Monday, November 17, 2008

Hotdish & Strippers

I work for a company that happens to have its own cafeteria, which for the most part is pretty cool. First of all it provides hot breakfast and lunch items, which beats "brown bagging it" or bringing leftovers anyday. Second, the prices are very reasonable. It’s around 3-4 dollars for an entrĂ©e, side, and vegetable; so it’s not too bad at all. And finally third, MOST of the time the cafeteria serves really good food. There is usually nothing that even closely resembles school hot lunch, nursing home food, hospital food, or the "three hots" you get while you are in the custody of your city or county correctional facilities. I mentioned that the cafeteria serves really good food MOST of the time; well there is an exception to that statement…

A few weeks ago they were serving one of the all time trusters when it comes to comfort food: Tater Tot Hotdish, and in my best Mach Man Randy Savage voice I said OOOH YEAH! So I had one of the cafeteria workers sling me some of the tater tot loving and away I went back to my desk to enjoy some of what I call "a tear from the cheek of a flavor angel". I opened up my non-biodegradable foam clam lock container, and peered inside. To my surprise I saw bits of yellow, and orange amongst the hamburger, cream of mushroom soup, green beans, and tater tots. Was this some sort of joke or just a simple error?

It turns out that they put Veg-All in their tater tot hotdish! Who in their right mind puts Veg-All in anything? To me Veg-All is something you bring to the food bank, or donate to a strip club to avoid having to pay the cover charge. It’s not something that you eat on purpose, you only eat it when you are tricked into it. Like when you have someone else smell the lumpy, almost solid, spoiled rotten jug of milk.

So, today they had tater tot hotdish for lunch. I wandered over and took one look. Yup, Veg-All again. So I asked the head cook what the story was on the Veg-All in the tater tot hotdish. Her reply was "that’s how my mom has always made it".

I bet her mom is a stripper.

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